Thursday, March 13, 2025

Shell Makes A Promise It Can’t Keep

Shell claims its SA exploration for shale gas in the Karoo will use safe techniques not known to harm the environment and "vows" not to pollute Karoo water. But since when is hydraulic fracturing a safe technique?

Shell claims its SA exploration for shale gas in the Karoo will use safe techniques not known to harm the environment and “vows” not to pollute Karoo water. But since when is hydraulic fracturing a safe technique?

Graham Tiley, the general manager for new ventures and international exploration at Shell, said:

“The oil and gas industry has used this technique safely for more than 60 years to recover natural gas.”

“This technique” is defined as a process where millions of litres of water, sand and chemicals are blast at high pressure into underground rock formations to create cracks for gas and oil to escape easier. Yeah, sounds real safe.

Tiley also cited the US Environmental Protection Agency saying, “they have not found anything untoward with the process of fracking” and “could find no evidence of a link between fracking and water contamination”.

Seriously? I can’t believe they’re still trying to spin this story even after serious objections from basically everyone, including billionaire businessman Johan Rupert, Dutch princess Irene and the Democratic Alliance.

And that they actually defer to America, when documentaries like, Gasland (2010), which examine the consequences of fracking in North America, have already shown us exactly how grim the effects can be.

Shell, it time to take your fracking and frack off!

[ Source: M&G ]