Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Japanese Space Agency Wants To Send Sexy Robot Into Space. For ‘Comfort.’

Ha! Yes. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), is looking at plans to send a humanoid robot to the International Space Station. Except by humanoid I mean it will look attempt to look sexy but end up being insanely creepy. Also, it's going to post photos and text to Twitter.

Ha! Yes. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), is looking at plans to send a humanoid robot to the International Space Station. Except by humanoid I mean it will look attempt to look sexy but end up being insanely creepy. Also, it’s going to post photos and text to Twitter.

Sexy Japanese Space Robot doesn’t have a name yet, but the thinking is that this is JAXA’s response to NASA’s R-2 robot, which looks like a little dude with a helmet and is going to be headed to the ISS when the Discovery shuttle next launches.

Obviously these robots have uses, beyond looking like little helmeted dudes or creepy Japanese ladies; they can both use tools, and the thinking is that Sexy Japanese Space Robot can watch over astronauts while they sleep, because that isn’t unsettling at all.

At current schedule, Sexy Japanese Space Robot will be creeping us out from the stars around 2013.

[Associated Press]