Tuesday, February 25, 2025

February 7, 2011

UK Company Launches Wills and Kate Prophylactic Memorabilia

The British may have invented the missionary position but boy do they deserve credit for the latest kinky curio to celebrate their Royals. Self proclaimed leading supplier of heritage prophylactics, Crown Jewels Condoms Of Distinction, produced and already sold 1 000 purple boxes of condoms featuring a picture of Prince William staring lovingly into Kate’s eyes. Tasty.

The British may have invented the missionary position but boy do they deserve credit for the latest kinky curio to celebrate their Royals. Self proclaimed leading supplier of heritage prophylactics, Crown Jewels Condoms Of Distinction, produced and already sold 1 000 purple boxes of condoms featuring a picture of Prince William staring lovingly into Kate’s eyes. Tasty.

The pioneering company didn’t stop there. On the package they instruct users to “lie back and think of England” and adds: “Like a Royal Wedding, intercourse with a loved one is an unforgettable occasion.”

Unforgettable indeed. Especially when it’s like Wills and Kate are right there with you.

[Source: Orange News]