Bar-room time travel talk usually centers around whether or not it would be cool to murder Hitler, because hey. But this misses a more important issue: whether or not Yoko Ono really killed the Beatles. Director Mark Waters wants to make a movie about that – time traveling Beatles fans, I mean.
The tentative title is Get Back, because we can’t make Beatles-based films without using their song titles too. It looks like it could be pretty fun, even if they go with the to-be-expected plot line of having Lennon douche out about something other than Yoko; Waters is the man who brought us Mean Girls and 500 Days of Summer, but he made The Ghost of Girlfriends Past too, so this is my way of saying that it could go either way.
The one sort of caveat here, though, is that Yoko Ono still owns a controlling interest in Lennon’s estate, including his likeness – and she might not be totally cool with a film that tries to wipe her out of existence to make the world a better place.