Some fantastic footage has recently come to light, showing a 1956 housewife on her first acid trip as part of a drug trial. We all know how stupid people sound when trying to describe their trips – and throw in some 50’s black and white sensibility? Hilarious. She can see all of the molecules, apparently.
Some other choice lines stand out – “Everything is alive. This is reality. I wish you could see it. I wish I could talk in technicolor.” and “I don’t have any insides.”
Huffington Post author, Don Lattin, explains:
Here’s some rare footage of an experimental LSD session that I came across doing research for my next book, a group biography of British writer Aldous Huxley, philosopher Gerald Heard, and Bill Wilson, the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. It’s from a television program, circa 1956, about mental health issues. The researcher, Dr. Sidney Cohen, was dosing volunteers at the Veteran’s Administration Hospital in Los Angeles