Saturday, March 22, 2025

January 18, 2011

This Guy Is Trying To Prolong His Perception Of Time By Doing New Or Awkward Things

The goal here is pretty cool! Sort of. Extend your perception of time by doing new or uncomfortable things - and have more, better memories of a given day than you would if you were doing dull stuff. We like it - we're all about extending the vibe. Even if uncomfortable things are required of you from time to time.

The goal is pretty cool! Sort of. Extend your perception of time by doing new or uncomfortable things – and have more, better memories of a given day than you would if you were doing dull stuff. We like it – we’re all about extending the vibe. Even if uncomfortable things are required of you from time to time, like lying down in the street as above.

Warren Brown is heading up The Time Hack, which is a sort of social/perception experiment that he’s blogging about daily.

“The Time Hack is an experiment aimed at exploring whether our perception of time is influenced by our actions.

The year-long project aims to test whether time itself is flexible and whether our brains measure time differently than the clocks around us.

Each day, I engage in a new experience to understand how my perception of time speeds and slows in relation to each event. Can I accurately gauge how long each new experience lasted? Do I remember the details of the new experiences more accurately than repetitive events during the day?”
There are 17 days of new things so far – entries range from Watching Paint Dry and Mapping Your Genome to (more?) awesome stuff like Jumping From A Moving Car and Fighting A Boxer. I mean, it’s all pretty standard stuff for us at 2ov, but you might want to give some of it a try.