The folks at the Super Top Secret advertising firm are taking any Ed Hardy or Affliction t-shirt you send them, donating the clothing to the homeless, and sending you one of their own totally rad t-shirts as replacements. We like to keep our bird/stone ratio pretty solid here at 2ov, so the possibility of lowering the global douchebag quotient and helping out the lower-income brackets appeals.
Says the Super Top Secret site:
“All you have to do to get one of our shirts is send us a heinous Affliction or Ed Hardy tee.
We will turn around and donate it to the homeless. It’s a win win situation. You get some rad new gear and at the same time help bring this gaudy, glittery, gold-flaked trend down to its base function as a shirt. We will also accept Monarchy or any other offensively bedazzled man blouse. Along with your donation we will post pictures of where your old t-shirt ended up.”
Man-blouse. Nicely done.