This is a novel idea from our ruling party: Move the end of year party to the start of the year, stretch it out over a weekend and end the whole thing with a concentrated celebration bash at the Moses Mabhida stadium. Add class to the event by serving Jack Daniel’s honey-glazed boerewors and subsidising the liquor. Now who said governing shouldn’t be fun?
The gravy train pulled into Polokwane last week for three celebrations rolled into one: The ANC’s 99th birthday, the ANC’s January 8 statement and the opening of the Frans Mohlala House – the ANC’s shiny new R40-million provincial office.
From the get-go things were loose and lekker.
On Thursday night the ANCYL(biters) got things going with a generous subsidy on all beer (R5) and selected whiskies (R10 per tot) at the Raging Bull restaurant. That jol lasted until 3:30am.
The offer spilled over to Friday night’s celebration at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium featuring kwaito stars, dancing and more beer. In conjunction with this craziness there was the lavish ANC gala dinner where you could dig into boerewors dripping with Jack Daniel’s and herbed leg of lamb. Regrettably, all whiskies and beer here were full price.
Saturday saw the official 99th anniversary celebrations birthday and reading of the January 8 statement.
On Sunday the by now weary party goers dragged their battered livers to yet another stadium for yet three more celebrations rolled into one: A tribute to Makhaya Ntini, the 150 year anniversary of the arrival of Indians in South Africa and the arrival of Government’s latest mouthpiece – the New Age newspaper. JZ – looking remarkably fresh after four days’ kuier – took to the stage and delivered a spirited speech during which he used the word “wonderful” a whopping nine times. He also declared the New Age Friendship celebration concert an annual event from here on in. Another promise we can keep an eye on.
Today, like for so many of us, it’s back to work for Government. Until Friday when we can again celebrate the end of the week, the middle of the month and our health.