Saturday, March 15, 2025

January 5, 2011

Man Photographs Own Killer Moments Before His Murder

A Philippino politician may have been among the first people in the world to die in 2011, but that's not even the most remarkable part of the story. Reynaldo Dagsa of Calacoon City had been woken by his family just in time to celebrate the New Year with them on the street, where fireworks were on display. Moments later, his life ended.

A Philippino politician may have been among the first people in the world to die in 2011, but that’s not even the most remarkable part of the story.

Reynaldo Dagsa of Calacoon City had been woken by his family just in time to celebrate the New Year with them on the street, where fireworks were on display.

Dagsa framed a picture of his wife and children. As he shot the picture, it shot back, in what must be regarded as the most lethal photobomb to date. Dagsa was hit in the arm and chest, and died at the scene. The fireworks in the street were so loud that Dagsa’s family heard no gunshots – thus giving the suspects the chance to slip away from the scene unnoticed.

They would have remained unnoticed had the pictures on Dagsa’s camera been ignored.

Click for larger version

The last family portrait Dagsa ever took includes his killer aiming a pistol at him, while the killer’s lookout photobombs directly behind the politician’s family.

The two suspects, Michael Rollo and Frederick Sales were previously arrested by police with the help of Dagsa for their involvement in a string of robbery and car theft cases. They were out on bail at the time of Dagsa’s murder.

The inclusion of the criminals in the photo has since led to their arrest, with a third suspect soon be arrested, according to sources.

[Source : ABSCBN]