Friday, March 28, 2025

December 23, 2010

Separated At Birth: Kevin Pietersen And Chip Douglas

This past weekend I suffered the doppelganger effect. It's that moment of television watching when, just as the sofa threatens to ingest your lumpy physique, your whole body surges forward violently, propelled by sudden realisation. Kevin Pietersen met the Cable Guy in my mind's eye.

This past weekend I suffered the doppelganger effect.

It’s that moment of television watching when, just as the sofa threatens to ingest your lumpy physique, your whole body surges forward violently, stiffening in a crack to a bolt upright position, sending girlfriends (plural), beverages, snacks, small dogs and dignity flying in all directions.

“Holy hell!’, your minds reals at you.

And then out loud, “That guy looks just like [insert appropriate look-alike here]!”

At this point, every sentient being in the room goes, “What?”

And then you go, “Hey?!” You’re totally incredulous that they’re not with you right off the bat.

Then you spend the next three minutes pointing out every obvious similarity between the protagonist on the screen and the doppelganger you’ve matched them with.

I went through that process this past weekend. Cable Guy was on the screen, and strangely enough, right after the bathroom beating scene where Owen Wilson gets his ass handed to him, it hit me. Kevin Pietersen looks JUST like the effing cable guy. Not Jim Carrey, the Cable Guy, specifically.


[Pause for effect}


No come now, don’t talk crap. Just look at this.

And this:

And this:

And this:

Does anyone see what I mean?

It’s more than just the look. It’s the vibe. This scene clinched it for me.

This is exactly how Kevin Pietersen is spending his Christmas.

“I forgive you!” I love that.

You should also know that Ben Stiller actually directed the Cable Guy.

There’s a definite pattern emerging here. We’ve seen Stiller informing some of Pietersen’s vibe before.

It’s a pleasure.