Tuesday, March 11, 2025

December 7, 2010

Michael Jackson Posthumously Foils Media Pirates With Vuvuzelas [VIDEO]

No, I am not pushing it with that headline. This is for real. Chamona! Game Software developers, Ubi Soft, have introduced a novel (and thoroughly heart-warming) anti-piracy measure into the Nintendo DS version of Michael Jackson: The Experience - vuvuzelas. That's right. Copy this game at your own aural risk.

The YouTube user who uploaded evidence of what I believe to be a frigging delightful anti-piracy measure had this to say underneath the video above:

Okay let me explain, this is Ubisoft’s attempt at anti-piracy to the game. The game is an EBA/Ouendan clone, and there’s no notes playing, it freezes when it’s paused, and FUCKING VUVUZELA NOISES OVER THE MUSIC.

In short, if you copy this game, you won’t get MJ’s sultry sounds – you’ll get a face full of South African patriotism.

Well, I’m off to my nearest reputable pavement hawker right now, as it happens.

[Thanks, Dom!]

[Source : Wired]