Remember the days when you could get your best friend to break up with your boyfriend for you? Weren’t those days awesome? No guilt trips, no tears…Just a good clean break that didn’t even involve you. Well now there is a website that offers this service at a small cost. (This is the only time phonecalls are acceptable.)
That’s right, IDUMP4U will call your partner and break up with them, but the best part, it is recorded for you…And YouTube.
$10 will get you a standard breakup, a mere $25 will get you out of an engagement and $50 will see a divorce demanded on your behalf.
Creator Bradley Laborman started the site as a joke in September 2009 but has already broken up with 200 people…For other people. And of course the holidays are his busiest time.
The phenomenon known as the Turkey Dump — in which college freshmen break up with their hometown loves over the Thanksgiving holiday — provided Laborman with a lot of extra business last year. “Last year I had a lot of Turkey Dumps,” he says. “I also had people who didn’t want to buy a Christmas present [for their partner]. This time of year is the busiest.”
“Shawn is too pissed to deal with Angie anymore! Here comes Bradley to send this lying woman on her way… but is she lying or not?”