Sunday, March 16, 2025

November 23, 2010

Our Dear Leader Gives It One Final Rev [VIDEO]

The Asian rumour mill has been grinding away on the same grist for some time now - Our Dear Leader is on his way out, health-wise. Reports have surfaced in recent months of Kim Jong Il's chronic kidney failure, and general lapse into a malaise of poor health. In short, he'll soon be re-joining the rainbow from which he was born. And he's going out with a bang, ask South Korea.

Word on the streets of the global village is that North Korea woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, and decided to engage in a spot of artillery battery with an indefensible South Korean island on the disputed Western marine border of both nations. The island, which is home to between 1200 and 1400 people has plumes of smoke rising from it’s residential areas. Unconfirmed reports are that the island has suffered no fatalities as yet, but four [update: 16] South Korean soldiers are both injured and decidedly pissed off. One fatality has been recorded, and residential houses have been razed to the ground.

South Korea has responded by scrambling jets, and – no doubt – getting uncle Barrack on the phone.

May I remind you, North Korea has nuclear weapons, and they’ve probably never read any Tom Clancy novels – they don’t know how bad that stuff can get.

Get yer’ popcorn!

[Sources: Telegraph, AFP, Business Weekly]