Excerpts From Keith Richard’s New Book In Rolling Stone Magazine
‘Life’ Excerpt: Keith Richards On The Debaucherous 1972 Rolling Stones Tour – The 1972 tour was known by other names – the Cocaine and Tequila Sunrise tour or the STP, Stones Touring Party. It was the beginning of the booking of whole hotel floors, with no one else allowed up, so that some of us – like me – could get privacy and security. It was the only way we could have a degree of certainty that when we decided to party, we could control the situation or at least get some warning if there was trouble.. [rollingstone]
George Soros On Why Marijuana Should Be Legalised – The criminalization of marijuana did not prevent marijuana from becoming the most widely used illegal substance in the United States and many other countries. But it did result in extensive costs and negative consequences. The roughly 750,000 arrests they make each year for possession of small amounts of marijuana represent more than 40% of all drug arrests. That’s huge. [wallstreetjournal]
Agliotti Defence Applies For Discharge – The state has not provided enough evidence to prove its case against Brett Kebble murder accused Glenn Agliotti, the South Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg heard on Tuesday. Advocate Laurance Hodes SC applied for a discharge, which the state opposed. Argument would be heard on November 5. [mail&guardian]
Facebook Credits To Be Sold At Walmart And Best Buy – There’s a new stocking stuffer for the social gamer on your holiday shopping list: Facebook Credits. Already available at Target stores, the social networking site is set to offer the credits -– which can be used for in-game purchases in games like FarmVille –- at Walmart and Best Buy too. Walmart will offer $5, $10 and $25 versions of the gift cards, while Best Buy will sell them in denominations of $10, $25 and $50. [mashable]
Charlie Sheen Trashes Hotel Room: Hookers, Coke, Etc. – Just two months out of rehab, a drugged up and naked Charlie Sheen trashed his room at The Plaza Hote in a frantic bid to find his wallet and cellphone after partying with a hooker. Hotel security called police just after 2 a.m. where they found the hard-partying Sheen after a woman called the front desk from the famed Eloise Suite. Tables and chairs had been thrown around the room and a chandelier was also damaged. Of course it was. [newyorkpost]
Justin Bieber Releases 3D Documentary Trailer – Where oh where will we hide from the madness? As if releasing a memoir at the age of 16 wasn’t a big enough indication of Justin Bieber’s hubris, we just found out he’s releasing a 3D (yes, 3D) documentary about himself called “Never Say Never.” And yes, the trailer is highly ridiculous. [huffers]
Facebook Launches iPhone War From Secret Bunker – It’s an incredible sneak attack, even by Silicon Valley standards: Fed up with the iPhone and immersed in trash talk, Facebook executives have reportedly created a secret bunker from which to develop a shadowy new phone platform. The social network has acquired space for its phone skunkworks in “a ‘secret’ other building, not inside Facebook’s main headquarters in Palo Alto, California. [gawker]
Buffet Chooses Successor – Warren Buffett tapped a little-known hedge fund manager as the leading candidate to succeed him as the chief investment officer of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. when the legendary stock picker eventually steps down. Berkshire named Todd Combs, manager of a small hedge fund from Connecticut, to oversee a portion of Berkshire’s roughly $100 billion investment portfolio. [wsj]
SuperEna Lottery Jackpot Is At R1.7 Billion – In Euros that is EUR173,400,000 and it is exactly what you need to drop everything you’re doing and just chill out. The yacht, the car, the jet, the island – it’s all included in that price. I bought my ticket this morning. 9,20,29,53,54,58 are my numbers and at least I’m in with a chance! Be sure to get yours before tomorrow’s draw! Get tickets safely online now! [2oceansvibelottos]
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