When the news came through that the Bobs for Good Foundation had delivered 282 pairs of shoes to Makanyu Primary school in the rural village of Hampego in Limpopo, I was sure that the school’s name had come up in the press before. So I did a little research and, sure enough, the school HAD been featured in The Star:
As you will read (if you click that article from The Star), Julius Malema, ever the rock star, visited the same school in January 2009 and promised them 100 pairs of shoes. The crowd cheered so loudly and were so excited, that our boy increased the promised tally to 200 pairs of shoes!
What a legend!
Unfortunately, 19 months later, the shoes have still not arrived – this after he promised them it would take weeks. Interesting vibe – for a guy who reckons he is one of “the people.”
ANC Youth League President, Julius Malema
Broke his promise to children in need
Today 2oceansvibe called the headmaster, Mr. Nthambeleni Ramanyimi, who confirmed that Malema had indeed made the promise to the school in January 2009, and was yet to deliver the shoes, let alone communicate with them as to when they should expect the shoes.
All in all, Julius Malema broke a promise of delivering school shoes to a school desperately in need of footwear. Nice one.
And one wonders why is has it in for the media..
The Bobs for Good team gets cracking!
By all accounts, the Bobs for Good Foundation, who seem to have unwittingly fulfilled Malema’s broken promises, were nothing short of shaken by the poverty witnessed at Makanyu Primary School. A BFG representative confirmed that most schools they visit have a small portion of kids already in shoes – not so in this case. Apparently NONE of the kids had shoes.
African youth are smiling again, after Malema’s broken promises
were fulfilled – not by Malema..
What a very cool vibe – well done to the BobsForGood team for coming through for Makanyu Primary school, among many many others. Click here for more on that story and extra pictures.
Just to fill you in, Makanyu Primary is found in a rural area and is based at Hamphego Village, about 14 km’s South East of Thohoyandou. It is about 4km from the main road (Punda Maria- R524) that leads to the Kruger National Park. The school is situated at the border post of the village near the Chief’s Kraal. The school is about 600m north of the Nandoni Dam, which is a tourist attraction centre.
I’m certainly stoked to be involved with Saturday’s BOBS FOR GOOD SPRING BALL Constantia – at least we know where it’s all going and the good that’s being done! Especially when hopes and dreams have been shattered like they have in this example.
Apparently there is still LIMITED space so if you haven’t organised yet, there is still a BIT of time – if you MOVE your asses! Contact Claire on claire@bobsforgood.com or call their office line 021 701 8080 and tell them we sent you. They’ll make a plan
It’s gonna be a helluva party!