Friday, March 21, 2025

September 8, 2010


We’ve got a fairly massive story that has just broken. Ard Matthews from Just Jinjer chopped off his famous dreadlocks this weekend after losing a bet.

Check this out:

You know what this means – anyone attending his concert on Thursday with Theo Crous, Vusi motherfreaking Mahlasela, Plush, iScream, Jack Mantis, Louise Day (smoking hot) will be the first people to see him playing live without his dreads!


And what’s more, it’s all for a good cause, with ALL proceeds going to the MYLIFE Foundation! What a joke – they’re making it too easy for us again. It’s like we’re playing this thing on easy mode!

So you can party your head off, listen to crazy-awesome live music, and you’re topping up your karma levels at the same time?

Oh good God, I’ve just realised something, I Scream & The Chocolate Stix (a 2oceansvibe favourite and the guys behind the smash hit My Cape Town!) are playing as well!!

Take that, and the fact that it’s organised by The Little Black Book, and you’re looking at a KILLER bash!

Hahahaha – give me a break! Where do I sign up?


Ard Matthews, Theo Crous, Jack Mantis and friends.

Enjoy an intimate acoustic evening with performances by some of Cape Town`s top artists in support of the MylifE Foundation. Ard Matthews, Theo Crous, Jack Mantis, iScream and the Chocolate Stix, Louise Day, Plush and more will share the stage in what promises to be night of music and fun in getting together and giving back in honour of our street-children. All the proceeds for the event will go to the MyLifE Foundation.

Enjoy an early set at 20h00 and get to meet the artists afterwards.

More about MyLifE:
MylifE is a registered foundation working with at-risk youth and children in Cape Town, South Africa ‐ those living on the street without hope or support. MylifE’S team has worked within this sector for more than 12 years, gathering vital information on the social dynamics that drive these issues. MylifE was established in 2002, and since its inception has successfully healed over 105 youth, moving them from the city’s pavements into full‐time jobs, independence and a ‘normal’ life. It has given hope where there was none. Website:

Ard Matthews, global ambassador for MyLifE says: “The MyLifE foundation is an organization that is very dear to my heart. Everyone needs a break. Even fully funded NGO’s need constant help and commitment. MyLifE is no different but at the moment it has a lot more heart than it does funds so I am committed to do what I can to change this. Its the only thing that makes me feel good about the living the blessed life I live. We are all a lot more fortunate than these beautiful kids so please join me in helping to make a difference.”

Date: Thursday 9 September 2010.
Time: 20h00.
Venue: Upper Eastside Hotel, Brickfield Road, Woodstock, Cape Town.
Tickets: R150

Bookings: Online (very easy)
Contact: Craig Reid –

Having a good time while supporting a good cause at the same time is a double bill of worth it!

As you can tell by phrases like “meet the artists afterwards, this is a very unique intimate party vibe. there is no exclusivity here – we’re all one team, helping out with a common cause. Be a part of it – I assure you it will be special 😉

See you there!