Friday, March 21, 2025


If the original Top Gear is sex, then Top Gear USA is sex with a dead person.

Mechanically speaking, you’re doing the same thing, but it’s wrong, and you should never, ever do it, and society will hate you for it, and you’ll always be remembered as the guy who took something fundamentally awesome and made it so unredemptively wrong so as to never deserve the love or acknowledgment of another living creature, human being or not, forever more AMEN.

There’s no Hammond, no May, no Clarkson, no Stig, no exploding caravans, and no glib British wit.

Why exactly then has this emaciated product been undeservedly blessed with the great Top Gear moniker?

I think I may have made my feelings on this issue clear.

The trailer for the grand televisual necro-hump is after the jump.