Everyone knows Iran needs a steady supply of uranium to develop it’s peaceful nuclear energy-production. But the west is being all iffy about monitoring the grade and quantity of uranium that the Iranians can get their hands on.
Western governments have even gone so far as to implement sanctions against Iran.
Those guys are total buzzkills, right Mahmoud?
Anyhow, Little Dear (Kim Jong Il’s heir apparent) is a pretty media savvy bloke, being the first of his countrymen to make it onto the interwebs. Long story short, he pretty much pioneered North Korea’s uranium supply line. Dear Leader was so proud, he blabbed about it at brunch for a good forty minutes.
I know this, because I could hear him and Seth chatting through the basement ventilation grate.
Herewith, a stable supply of uranium for anyone, anywhere, and at minimal cost.

Amazon.com! Of course!
Aspiring dictators and most middle east nations, now YOU TOO can have a nuclear arsenal peaceful nuclear power production programme! Great success!