If you’ve just joined us, a whale was catapulted into international news headlines last week, when it was photographed breaching onto a yacht. Pretty hectique, I’m sure you agree.
Well, it’s about to become even more hectique – because now we’ve got the video footage. Yes, you heard me – VIDEO footage of the whale leaping onto the yacht.
Ch-ch-ch-check it out!
I like the way they’re investigating whether or not the whale was provoked. If this ocean was in the UK there would be CCTV footage of the yacht’s entire journey. From that we would be able to determine what caused this bizarre behaviour.
They should get the CSI team involved as well, to “analyse” the CCTV footage. They could “clean-up” the sound and eventually they would work out that the captain of the yacht had been taunting the whale for quite some time before the attack.
They would “amplify” the audio and you would be able to hear the skipper calling the whale a “tadpole” just minutes before they were attacked.
[thanks hazel]