Mmm, they’ve done a very clever thing here. They’ve taken actual recordings of Mel Gibson (you caught “The Mel Gibson Tapes,” right?) and mixed some excerpts seamlessly into a fake phonecall with the Old Spice guy.
It sounds like they’ve used the actual Old Spice guy, who is amusing as always.
And yes, the video does feature Alyssa Milano and a horse.
Shame, poor Mel – that chick really cracked him. You know she was previously married to the worst James Bond of all time, Timothy Dalton, right? Oh ja, fully. She also had a child with him.
And then suddenly she is with Mel Gibson. And had a child with him as well…
Hmm..I see a trend forming. Keep an eye on that vibe – I guarantee you she will be exposed as the evil one.
CLICK HERE to listen to the Mel Gibson tapes.
[thanks nico]