Friday, March 14, 2025

July 1, 2010


Mahendra Raghunath is back at the SABC news room.

After a lengthy employer-employee dispute that was sparked by a little alleged insider information trading by Raghunath to a few Sunday newspapers, the SABC has finally caved.

South Africa’s favourite mortal news caster (the everlasting Riaan Cruywagen be praised) is soon to be back on our weeknight screens at 7pm with his confusing ties, beguiling smile, and terrifically bad jokes at the end of every bulletin.

That’s why we love you, Mahendra.

Seriously though, I wasn’t joking about his ties. Take a careful look at the pattern.

Got it? Guess who ELSE was wearing Mahendra’s tie?

No spice. The man is a presidential fashion talisman.

Did you know he was also in District 9? Yeah, that scene where Wickus is on the run, and he heads in to Gunther’s for a bit of human chow, and WHAM! Mahendra is outing Wickus on the news. All the employees freak out, and Wickus has to scram. That’s the power of Mahendra.

Look at that face. He’s killing it. Beauty.

[Sources : Mahendra’s Ties;]