A delightful Ceres Mountain dweller
with snowman, vuvuzela and Judrons
(taken yesterday by Steve FP)
Today Is A Public Holiday – Youth Day on 16 June commemorates the start of the Soweto riots of 1976, initially sparked by a government edict that all instruction in black schools would be held in Afrikaans. The iconic picture of Hector Pieterson, a black schoolchild shot by the police, brought home to many people within and outside South Africa the brutalities of the Apartheid regime. 2010 FIFA World Cup macot, Zakumi, has his birthday on that day in 1994. [youthday]
Cameron Apologises For Bloody Sunday – David Cameron made a historic apology for the killing of 13 unarmed civilians by British soldiers on Bloody Sunday in Londonderry in 1972, the most controversial incident of the 30-year-long Northern Ireland Troubles. In a dramatic statement to parliament on Tuesday, the prime minister described the killings as “unjustified and unjustifiable.” [financialtimes]
Vanity Fair Tackles The Vuvuzela – This week, the Internet met the vuvuzela, the South African horn instrument popularized by World Cup spectators, hated by broadcasters, and semi-ironically cherished by bloggers the Web over; it is the toy that launched 1,000 quips. Every hour, it seems, a new vuvuzela-inspired blog post, listicle, or game appears.We’ve aggregated many of the Web’s most beloved satiric vuvuzela enterprise. [vanityfair]
Rupert Murdoch Is Trying To Buy Sky TV – It emerged last night that Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation had made a bid of 675p per share in cash to take control of the 61% in BSkyB the company does not already own. The offer was rejected by BSkyB’s independent directors as undervaluing the company. News Corporation has raised its proposal to 700p per share in cash, which values the 61% stake at £7.8bn ($11.5bn). [guardian]
How The World Is Spending Its Time Online – So… whatca doin’ over there on that laptop, denizens of the world? Well, according to a new study from Nielsen showing Internet usage in April 2010, 22% of the time, you’re engaging with social media.Yeah, 22% might not seem like a mammoth percentage, but you have to take into account the fact that this finding is on a global scale. Also.. [mashable]
The Spill, The Scandal and the President – The inside story of how Obama failed to crack down on the corruption of the Bush years – and let the world’s most dangerous oil company get away with murder. On May 27th, more than a month into the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history, Barack Obama strode to the podium in the East Room of the White House.. [rollingstone]
Perez Hilton May Face Jail For Miley Cyrus Upskirt Pic – In the daily grind of being Perez Hilton, posting upskirt photos of celebrities is a fairly common task that probably gets little editorial scrutiny. When one of said celebrities is 17-year-old Miley Cyrus, however, lots of serious legal implications regarding child pornography become involved — as the infamous blogger is now finding out. [huffpo]
North Korea Rejects Findings, Threatens War – North Korea (Our Dear Leader) rejected Tuesday international findings that it sank a South Korean ship, warning at the United Nations that the dispute could lead to war. “A war may break out any time,” Ambassador Sin Son Ho said, accusing South Korea of “fabricating” the results of the investigation into the sinking of the Cheonan. [cnn]
Supposed Tiger Woods Love Child Looks A Lot Like Him – Porn star and escort Devon James is claiming Tiger Woods fathered her secret love child. In a stunning development set to reignite Tiger’s cheating scandal, James claims that Tiger is the father of her son. James, 29, gave birth to her son in early 2001, before Woods and Elin Nordegren were married. [radar]
Scientists Studying Ozzy Osbourne’s Genes for Secrets to Eternal Life – Researchers are mapping rock star Ozzy Osbourne’s genome hoping to learn something about how the hell he survived, despite all the drugs, and the bat heads. Hopefully they will also figure out what made Master of Reality so bitching. [gawker]
[thanks steve]
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