Wednesday, March 26, 2025

May 25, 2010


This, my friends, is awesome.

What in the world is that?

At first glance, this looks like the fruits of a game of “pin the tail on the donkey” at an acid party in Amsterdam. Right? But the more perceptive of you might recognise the faintest silhouette of a world map.

That’s because each of these blocks represents a country on the world map, and what it’s best at.

Did you know that Costa Rica’s greatest talent is happiness? Need a T-80 tank? Ukraine has your back. If you want your car stolen, head to the Outback, and if you’re keen to invest in renewable energy, the DRC is actually your best bet.

For the only map you’ll ever need to consult, read on…

And without further adieu, brought to you by the masters at Information is Beautiful, we present…

THE MAP OF INTERNATIONAL NUMBER ONES: Because Every Country is Good at Something.

Don’t ever say we don’t look after you and your quest for something interesting to browse over you tea break.
