If you’ve been toying with the idea of defaulting on your home loan or joining a Russian acrobat troupe for a while now, go for it. Last week, students on UCT’s upper campus were the victims of random and ferocious pamphlet bombings by people wearing “May 21, 2011” T-shirts.
Naturally lured in by the promise of a party or free stuff, the students stood no chance.
“May 21st 2011 – JUDGMENT DAY”, screamed the small pieces of paper. The reactions were mixed. Some (from the commerce faculty) believed that they had been granted an extension on their research assignments until the following year.
The campus was humming at maximum capacity yesterday as hordes of BA students, comprehending that the apocalypse was imminent, decided they needed to experience new things and began attending lectures.
The flyers were handed out by a group called Family Radio – the flagship company of doomsday prophet and media tycoon, Harold Camping.
I suppose if there’s a doomsday message to put out, you might as well have a media empire amassing millions of dollars every year to do it.
But the real question is: How will 88 year old Harold spend it all before next year?
Well we’ve got a few ideas.
He could buy this yacht.
Or maybe this place, we hear the skiing is quite nice.
C’mon, Harold. Do it for us, before it’s too late.