Friday, March 21, 2025

March 26, 2010


Not for one second do I claim to operate in a typo free zone, but neither do I fall into the “traditional” and “mass” media category – a place where “serious” journalists operate. At the same time, you would be very hard pressed to find a headline typo on these pages.

Which brings me to one of the world’s most respected publications, The Telegraph, who not only had a typo in a heading, but the word seemed to still make sense in and amongst the other words.

Take for example your large hardon – one can only imagine the energy it would release if it had to collide..


Needless to say they fixed that typo, after someone had taken the above screen-shot and sent it around the so-called “internet.”

You can read the full article (sans erections) here.

[thanks brett]