Virgin Active seems to be having a problem with blowjobs “lewd conduct” in their men’s changing room toilets. Given that the changing rooms are single-sex, they are clearly referring to gay physical one-on-one activity. Something which has become such a problem that there are now signs up in an attempt to control the growing trend.
The nice thing is they are giving you the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and might even refuse entry to the club if you become a repeat offender.
Rabid Ramblings From Virgin Active Management
Repeat offenders will be punished
Excellent vibe they’re going for there.
It’s interesting to note that 2oceansvibe is not available on the Virgin Active computers, due to our use of the word “fuck” from time to time (not unlike News24, whom we praise for such progressiveness).
Oh the hypocrisy! As the word “fuck” is being carried out as a verb (a “doing” word), in real life, right inside the hallowed holes halls of Virgin Active! If only there was some kind of firehol firewall to block that kind of lewd activity!
It’s interesting to note that Virgin’s current ad campaign, “What Moves Me,” is targeting the whole family. I very much doubt that gay sex in the loos is something mother would want little Johnny exposed to?
I think the most mind-blowing thing about this, is the fact that they have posted up a sign in the gym. So people that didn’t know it was going on, are now fully aware.
Very clever.
[thanks matt]