With the Rotherham Diet gaining massive momentum across South Africa, a lot of people ask me how I “roll,” when it comes to fast food. I usually stumble around the question, trying to give examples of how, exactly, I roll – always wishing I had a visual clue.
Luckily, thanks to The Cool Hunter and EatDrinkChic, I am now able to show you.
This, my friends, is how I roll..
Pretty rad, don’t you think? Right up my street, and a lot of yours too I’m sure. Unfortunately they aren’t really making Hermes and Burberry fast food. This was merely a pitch to McDonalds for an upmarket pop-up restaurant for fashion week. The concept was to give McDonalds food a complete makeover and re-brand the fast food giant with an aesthetic suitable for a 5 star restaurant.
This, from The Cool Hunter :
Today’s demanding consumers expect even their beloved, favorite brands to step up their game. Many run-away online successes of offline brand “stunts” attest that consumers expect, and get really excited about, experiences that are unusual, fun, thought-provoking and emotionally engaging. With the power and immediacy of social media, surprising offline events and stunts have now turned into truly powerful promotional tools.
For McDonald’s, we envision a cool, surprising and fun mix of concepts. First is McFancy, an upmarket temporary McDonald’s store that launches at Fashion Weeks around the globe — London, New York, Paris, Milan, Sydney, Hong Kong. McFancy is part art installation, gathering spot and, of course, a restaurant that offers a traditional McDonald’s menu but packaged in a way that makes a playful yet stylish nod to the lifestyle of the highly desirable, influential consumers that attend Fashion Weeks.
It goes on. More here.
If you’re in the “ad games” or want to embrace “social media” and work on your “personal brand” then you should give the rest of that article a read.
Personally I’m just glad to be here, hanging with you guys, showing you pictures of burgers and stuff. That’s all I need. Seriously, I want for nothing. Just a supermodel here and there and some champagne. Dripping off.
Mmmm, you like that too, do you?
Why don’t you let me pour it over you now?
God, you’re so beautiful.