Today is the birthday of Our Dear Leader and Great Commander, Kim Jong Il. It is therefore with great emotion and respect that we send out glorious rays of radiant sunshine and joy to his magical presence in this world.
Kim Jong il – Our Dear Leader
This, from The Winchester Whisperer:
Tens of thousands of flowers have been assembled in North Korea to celebrate Kim Jong Il’s birthday today. North Korea says he is 68, overseas experts claim he’s 69 and that the NK government has fiddled the figures so that his “70th” birthday in 2012 will coincide with the 100th anniversary of his father’s birth. Both he and his father have used flowers as symbols of their leadership. His father, Kim Il Sung, received a hybrid orchid from the Indonesian President Sukarno in 1965 and he named it “Kimilsungia”. Kim Jong Il was given a begonia in 1988 which, of course, he named “Kimjongilia”. There was consternation earlier this year when a Japanese botanist called Mototeru Kamo sent Kim Jong Il’s youngest son, Kim Jong Un a new breed of begonia on his birthday on 8 January. Did this signify that a handover is being prepared? As yet there has been no announcement that this flower has been named “Kimjongunia”.
Absolutely awesome!
Stunning scenes at a ball celebrating
our leader Kim Jong-il’s 68th birthday in Pyongyang
The whole of 2oceansvibe stands at attention and then join to raise a toast to the glorious warrior and look forward to a wonderful 2010 under his command!
Happy birthday, Dear Leader!
We love and worship you very very much.
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