Oh my goodness look at this! Kirsten and Lee Ann, our little spunks from Miss K Food Cafe in Green Point (next to our primary residence, The Cape Royale) are up for an important accolade! It’s the News24 Sizzling Hot Chefs competition, and 2oceansvibe is 100% behind them!
Seriously gang, you know how the vibe works – it takes care of people that deserve looking after. And world-class food aside, these girls aren’t the hardest on the eye which, as far as I can see, is the point of this competition!
That’s why we simply ALL have to get behind the girls and give them our vote. And I can promise you something right now, it will take you LITERALLY two clicks. There is no registration process. It really is just TWO CLICKS!
Kirsten and Lee Ann
Get hammered on champagne
All you have to do is CLICK HERE TO VOTE FOR THEM and then, on the next page that loads up, simply click the word “SIZZLING” under their picture.
Then you’re done! Seriously, there is nothing more to do. Very easy.
Do it now. Do it for 2oceansvibe. Keep the vibe alive!
CLICK HERE TO VOTE FOR THEM and then, on the next page that loads up, simply click the word “SIZZLING” under their picture.