Friday, March 28, 2025

February 11, 2010


I watched about 10 minutes of the Golden Globes the other night and, just before I tuned out, I remember catching a shot of annoying actor Brendan Fraser, clapping and carrying on like a lunatic. “What a knob-end,” I thought to myself, as I flicked the station.

That was the end of that and I didn’t think it would come up again. But then, just this week, I received an email from Steve “The Rock” Robertson, who seemed to have encountered the same clip. Except he had some follow-up.

Check it out:

Hello old chap,

Couldn’t resist this and I thought you might enjoy the laugh. I’m sure Fraser is a wonderful chap, but you can’t deny his acting is a bit like Mickey Arthur’s coaching, negligible.

Anyway, spotted him clapping the other night while watching the Golden Globes and remember thinking to myself, “what is this ass clown playing at here?”.

Imagine my delight when I came across this little beaut on youtube, my Tuesday is now complete..

This was the clip:

Wow! It’s truly amazing how, all too often, the forces of the universe all get together and explode in unison onto YouTube.

Absolutely stunning!