You know that R110 million penthouse on sale at the Waterfront? Of course you’ve heard of it, but have you ever seen pictures? Well I managed to get some brand new images of the thing – and it is something to behold!
Very chilled..
You can check out more pics of that pad here, but for now I think we need to chat about how exactly we are gong to acquire it? Not to worry, I’ve got a plan.
Are you aware that tonight is a EuroMillions SuperDraw? Seriously, do you even know what a SuperDraw is? I’ll tell you – A SuperDraw is, by it’s very nature, a very big jackpot. In tonight’s case the jackpot is €100 million. If you insist on converting that into Rands, you’ll get R1.2 billion. Which is amusing, because that means you can buy TEN of those penthouses.
Or, you can buy one of those penthouses and this $85 million SuperYacht, named Alysia:
Have a quick banquet, why don’t you!
Make love..
Wash yourself
Look, it’s your money, you can do what you want with it. I’m just trying to help you spend it. And enjoy this – As if a €100 million guaranteed jackpot is not enough reason to enter this Friday’s EuroMillions SuperDraw, they’re giving away FIVE 40″ Full HD LCD Samsung televisions! To stand a chance to win one, simply enter the 5th February 2010 Superdraw. Each ticket purchased counts for one entry in the Samsung television competition.
And for those of you who haven’t positioned yourselves, your lives and your energy to succeed and grab everything you can, CLICK HERE to buy your EuroMillions Superdraw tickets safely online.
These are my numbers – I’ve got a good feeling about them..
Oh yes – bring it home to daddy!
Remember, If you’re not buying a few tickets for the big draws, then you’ve kind of missed the whole point of being able to live the holiday. Just like what is suggested in all books about success (including the likes of The Secret and variations thereof), if you’re not able to visualise the success you wish to achieve, then you probably won’t get there. Being able to dream is the basis of all of these formulas – it unlocks the potential. Dropping a few bucks on lottery tickets is as basic as that formula gets.
This mindset is at the very core of 2oceansvibe. Either you get it, or you don’t.
[thanks simon]