Saturday, March 29, 2025


When a guy gives you a bottle of tequila with a skull on it and tells you it’s locally made, you kind of want to run a mile. “What do you mean, locally made,” I asked the chap, as visions of Marcus Brain’s (The Kitesurfer) home-made beer and wine came to mind (my sight has still not been fully restored).

So this guy with shades on comes up to me on Friday night with something wrapped in a blanket. He was looking around like he might get arrested – I thought he was trying to flog some human organ or something.

“My kidney is fine, thanks pal,” I told him, as Ard Matthews leant in and confirmed, “no, Seth – this is the guy I told you about – with the sick tequila!”

“Oh…cool…” (I guess), as the towel was unwrapped to reveal the coldest bottle of tequila I have ever come across. I wiped the bottle and checked out the logo.


a5 la muerte


Now, that image that you check there of the skull – it’s actually on the inside of the bottle, on the back wall of the bottle, as it were. Yes, exactly like they do with the Grey Goose bottles.

Pretty cool, huh?

Jeremy, told me about the Agave plant, which produces whatever one needs to make tequila. They’re found in the Karoo and they’re so damn good (these “agave” plants) that these guys are EXPORTING THE PLANTS TO MEXICO – for the Mexicans to make tequila! No spice! Yup, apparently the plants in Mexico have a virus at the moment and Sanchez and the boys are in a bit of a pickle!

And did you check what it says at the bottom of the bottle? Did you enjoy the part where it says “Quadruple” distilled? Come on… pushing it a bit, surely? It’s like those razor blades. Now with THREE blades!! Then after a year the competitor releases a razor with FOUR blades. Then someone goes…”Hang on, I’ve got an idea….let’s do FIVE blades!!

Just kidding. Look, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Which is what I and a group of us did on friday night.


It was DAMN good! We cleaned the bottle!

I don’t know where it is available but

I’ve just got an email from the guys that make La Muerte, and you can get it from Jeremy on 083 368 1069 or only for now.

Get it – I think you’re gonna dig it.. I certainly don’t have a problem supporting local industry, especially if it’s good!