Wednesday, March 26, 2025

January 26, 2010


Got a very cool “heads-up” in my inbox from a 2oceansviber, directing me to this website which contains 125 rare photos of famous people. It’s quite similar to The Impossible Cool website I told you about some time ago, but this one takes pride in how RARE the photos are – virtually all of them you wouldn’t have seen before.


Lady killer..

You know who that is? I’ll tell you who that is. It’s George Clooney. Yup, aha – the Cloon Dog. Just one of the many pics you’ll find on this website. There’s even one on the site taken through a half-closed door, of JFK and Marilyn Monroe. I swear, you should check it out. Click here for the website.

Gues who this is?

I got this watch..

Did you guess who it is?

Don’t lie – it’s fine if you didn’t. I’l tell you who it is – It’s Christopher Walken, as a strapping young lad. As you can see by the lack of a timepiece on his wrist, this was clearly before his father gave him that watch.

Pretty cool pics, hah? I thought so. And there are TONS more.

Like this little prick, Do you know this is?

Hello, little monster..

You’ll never believe it.

Click here to check the site out..

[thanks dylan]