Friday, March 28, 2025


I’ve been getting a LOT of people asking me about the new 2oceansvibe Jobs and 2oceansvibe Villas banner ads currently displayed on the site.

Including these two:

Screen shot 2010-01-12 at 8.14.08 AM.png
2oceansvibe Jobs

Screen shot 2010-01-12 at 8.14.27 AM.png
2oceansvibe Villas

As much as I would love to claim it, I did not make the banner ads. I just used the same peeps I have always used for my banner design work. So grab a pen and write this down, so I won’t have to tell you again.

They’re called 100 Volts and they specialise in web banner advertising. I’ve been using them for ages and recommend you do the same. Seriously, stop wasting your money on web exposure with ads that don’t get the message across properly. You spend all that money on the ad space, and then you cock it up with the wrong ad?? Weird. Just because your “in-house” designers can add a tan to a model’s pic in photoshop, doesn’t mean they know how to sell a product in a 468×60 space. It’s like flushing money down the toilet..


And don’t even get me started on how easy it would be for foreign clients in the UK and US to get their banner ads done by 100 Volts. Why would you not? It’s the digital age, baby..

These guys are EXPERTS at getting the message across online and they’re the ONLY guys I use. 100 Volts are very reasonably priced as well and, even so, I’m sure you’ll get a further discount if you mention 2oceansvibe 😉

Check out their website here and stop dicking around.