Friday, March 28, 2025


I didn’t think it would work, when I was first told about @yourlunchrun, the new Twitter account guy whose Twitter page tells us, “Don’t have time for a run? I’ll do it for your lazy Ass. Just enjoy the ‘time out’ and even send requests to make it YourRun – GO!”

Apparently he heads off on a daily run during lunch time and, using his camera phone and Twitter vibe, let’s YOU guide him where to run and Tweets the pics of whatever landmark you gave him, to prove he went there! I know, it’s GENIUS!

So he kicked off this morning with this pitcure and tweet to get us going:

@YourLunchRun tweets: “DeWaal drive forest strewn with dossing Bergies.
See the Bridge in background?
Links white Suburbs to District 6″

My childhood passion for radio-controlled toys came alive, as I thought about various landmarks in the vicinity.

“Aah!” I thought to myself, “there’s a KFC a couple km’s down the road.”

So I tweeted him, “Hey @yourlunchrun, there’s a KFC down the road. Try get a pic of that.”

No shit, a few minutes later I got this:

@YourLunchRun tweets: “Geeez had to hustle but here you go @2oceansvibe

Oh my God! This guy is amazing! This is like the best game I’ve ever played.

I was addicted. What else could I make him do? Where else could I make him go?

Then it hit me… WEMBLEY SQUARE! I’ll send him King James ad agency which is upstairs in Wembley Square. I sent him a tweet, copying in @mybrandedlifetm, who is the “Group Head” at King James.

“Hey @yourlunchrun, how about getting a pic of the King James receptionist upstairs at Wembley Square? @mybrandedlife

To which he responded:

“Half naked and heading to KJames. @mybrandlifetm 1x glass water please.

It was just too good to be true!

Suddenly there was another update.. our boy was clearly en route as he took in the sights and sounds of Roeland Street, including Viglietti Motors, Cape Town’s Ferrari dealership.

@YourLunchRun tweets: “Spotted en route. Bollisimo.”

Not long now… as 2oceansvibe held it’s collective breath..

And the it arrived, more pure and beautiful than you could ever imagine! The Lunch Runner had gone and done it!

This was his tweet..

Screen shot 2010-01-06 at 1.25.32 PM.png
@YourLunchRun tweets: “Found the King James lovelies.
AND that glass of water – result.
Surprised to see a roof.”

I enjoyed his chirp about the King James / Wembley Square roof which blew off recently in that radical storm we had. CLICK HERE for a reminder of that.

So there you have it. And, judging by his recent tweets, he is running again TODAY! And he is starting at Gallows Hill – AKA the Green Point Traffic Department! this is what he said:

“Friday run will start at Gallows Hill Traffic Department. Heading past ‘The Stadium’ area. LunchTime of course!”

Be sure to follow him at @yourlunchrun and get involved! Let HIM do YOUR run for you!

12h30 today!