Saturday, March 22, 2025


The 2oceansvibe slogan, “Work is a sideline, Live the holiday” is widely accepted as the ultimate ideal. In order for work to be a sideline, one needs to avoid full-time 9 to 5 employment at all costs. Unless you’re working for yourself. But in order to get your own thing going, you need spare time. Spare time to focus on that big idea, or spare time to lounge on the beach (preferred). That’s why freelance, part-time and temporary work is the order of the day.

“Find a job, Live the holiday” is where it’s at, as 2oceansvibe Jobs offers something for everyone. From Chartered Accountants and Film Industry Camera Men, to restaurant Waiters and part-time Personal Assistants, this is the place to be. The site is designed for people/recruiters to place ads for vacant job positions. Potential candidates can then apply for those jobs!

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The site is very clean and simple to use, with a powerful behind-the-scenes system which has been developed by the country’s best.

Only jobs can be searched on the site, not people.

Job advertisers and recruiters are able to place jobs online for a small fee (pay smoothly and immediately online) and get their vibe exposed to the intrepid, cool, intelligent 2oceansvibe community.

Job seekers, on the other hand, can register for free and apply to whatever jobs they want. With that login and profile, you can store multiple CV’s, as well as your photograph and vital statistics. But wait for it – that’s not all.

When applying for a job, you can select which CV you want to send and, when the job advertiser receives the email, it has your CV attached as a document, your photo in the email and the job reference number automatically in the subject line. But enjoy this: if you have a short introductory YouTube video of yourself (with the video embed code stored in your profile), a link will appear in the job application email – sending the recruiter to your video – giving you the edge on everyone else!

To reiterate, you can make a short 10-20 second introductory video of yourself (like this) and then you can copy the “embed code” (you’ll see this underneath the aforementioned example) into your 2oceansvibe Jobs profile and then, every time you apply for a job, it will be included in the email that is sent to the job advertiser!

I know – very progressive!

So either you apply with just your CV and a photo OR you give yourself a head start over the others with a quick video showing them how presentable and nice and cool you are. Depending on the job you’re going for, pouting may well be encouraged.

So, whether you’re looking for someone to hire, or you’re looking for a job, head on down to or and see what’s going down! There are already tons of jobs on offer, from Online Sales Consultants, Architects, Travel Consultants, Lecturers and Ushers, to Personal Assistants, Brand Promoters, Proof Readers and Barista’s!

Because 9-to-5 is not our vibe!

*Respected recruitment companies are invited to make use of our free introductory offer to place suitable jobs on the site. Email

*Telkom broadband Users may experience some bugs and images not laoding. If so, change your Proxy setting from “auto” to manual “” and port “8080″

* Another thing to try if you get any errors, is