Personally, I’ve never liked those Santa Claus photo ops. Whether I’m in them or not, I just don’t dig it. They’re dodgy and the guy in the suit is almost always a pedophile – it’s practically a pre-requisite. The ones that aren’t pedophiles are working for the Feds anyway; and the replacement sucks, so fuck ’em all.
Someone has done what you should have done ages ago and created a website which allows people to send in their photos of dodgy (or “sketchy” as they call it) Santa’s with kids on their laps.
It’s called and it’s a wonderful thing.
Here are some of my favourites:
Kids have a sixth sense when it comes to these things
Like dogs who start howling hours before an earthquake hits..
Look at his eyes. His mouth..
This oke is as high as a kite
Jesus, bru! What are you doing?
I can’t look at anymore – they give me the heebee jeebees.
Go ahead and make Santa’s day – CLICK HERE for more Sketchy Santas!
[thanks brett]