They seriously should have called it instead of, because that is essentially what it is. It’s an online machine that produces brownie points in exchange for a few mouse clicks and a credit card number.
Seriously. It’s quite silly.
Remember that hamper I bought last week for Marina, to celebrate the birth of their baby boy, Luc? Ja, well, let me just tell you… The delivery arrived a few days ago and I! The sms’s and emails from Marina were one thing, but the word of mouth was another.
Brownie Points
Now available online
I cruised into Vida e this morning and, whilst in the queue, I could hear the voice of one of Marina’s crew, coming towards me. I didn’t know which one it was nor if it was aimed at me, so I just listened to see how close the voice came.
With the huge lushes lips now right next to the back of my neck, I had no option but to turn. Yup, I was right on both counts. It was one of Marina’s crew and it was intended for me.
HOW (kiss on one side – BANG!)
ARE (kiss on the other side – BANG!)
“Very well thanks, my darling – and how are you?!” I asked. (“One mucho cappuccino to hamba please,” I quickly ordered my coffee from the barista)
She did not tell me how she was, but rather got straight to the point.
“OH.MY.GOD.HOW.STUNNING.IS.THAT.BABY.HAMPER.YOU.SENT.MARINAAAA?!” (shakes head rapidly from left to right, mouth agape)
Waaah!, I thought to myself – this is an absolute joke!
“Oh ja, did she get it?” I pretended to have forgotten.
“Did she get it??? DID SHE GET IT??? Babe, you can do NO harm in her eyes at the moment let me tell you. NO.HARM.AT.ALL!!
People were staring at this stage, as I shepherded the bearer of amazing news to the corner of Vida e.
“Well, that’s really great – I’m glad she is happy and that the baby is fine.”
“Which Woolworths did you buy it from,” she asked.
“Oh no, I bought it all online, at – it’s all on 2oceansvibe!” I said, hoping that she would read more regularly in future so I didn’t have to repeat myself in real life.
“TOO DIVINE, DOLL!!!!” (the boobs were falling out at this stage, as the arm of the sunglasses were placed in the mouth)
It went on. I won’t tell you the rest as you might get bored. But what I can tell you is that I feel like a hero. I feel like I saved someone’s life on live television. That’s what it feels like. For going on a website, choosing something and clicking “Checkout!” How crazy is that?
Instant brownie points, I tell you! I’m currently looking at getting the Christmas hamper for The Muse’s mother..
If only The Muse knew her mother’s address, we’d by A for Away!
There tons of other hampers so check them out by clicking HERE.
It’s basically Brownie Points Central and I’m the mayor.