Friday, March 21, 2025

December 3, 2009


It’s not so much the “wow” factor of a paraglider landing on Camps Bay Beach opposite Caprice, as much as it is an excuse to remove yourself from whatever you’re doing and to submerge yourself into the ridiculous day we’re having today.

A quick video wouldn’t hurt.

Check it out:

Some of you would have already caught that on 2oceansvibe’s Twitter feed.

I filmed that with my iPhone 3Gs (courtesy of DigiCape) and uploaded it to Flickr and “tweeted” about it ALL whilst on the beach.

This is where I sat, as The Surfer mozeez out of the water..

Give that a little click to pretend you’re inside my body

Look, I’ll admit, it was pleasant..

CLICK HERE to see all the other pics taken today on the 2oceansvibe FLICKR feed, including criminal photographs of Clifton this morning, as well as Caprice for lunch etc.

Not to mention a photo of the new range of NoMU Foods stock that is blowing people away. I got that after having dinner at the owner of NoMU’s place last night. I don’t want to tell you what the food was like because your laptop might explode (paella..), but it makes sense that NoMU is South Africa’s most loved spices and rubs and grinders and hot chocolate and God knows what else! Thanks, guys –

Seriously, just grow up.

CLICK HERE for pics of today..