Here it is, the one you’ve been waiting for. The 2oceansvibe Show with Goldfish and Wonderbra model, Elbe Van der Merwe – brought to you by Olmeca Black Tequila (yummy).
Seth and Goldfish
Killing it..
[photo by]
Don’t forget, 2oceansvibe and the making of this show will be on TV in a special “behind-the-scenes” feature on TOP BILLING, next week Thursday, SABC 3 at 19h30. Pretty gnarly!
So as not to keep you waiting any longer, I’m just going to give it to you. Right here, right now. Just you WAIT util you see my “dream sequence!”
*wait for box to load upload below
*slower connections might want to press play THEN pause and wait for video to load
And remember the video recording of the Goldfish concert on the roof of the Cape Royale hotel (Sky Bar – next to the pool – 28 degrees – bikini’s everywhere – ridiculous) will be next week.
For those of you new to this whole vibe. This is a SHOW – it’s longer than 3 minutes. Regulars MAKE time for it. If Letterman was only available online, would you not MAKE TIME to watch it? Have you tried full-screen? This is an EVENT, my friends!
Come on, it’s 2009 – get with the programme.
* a big thank you to Sunay, Kelly, Jermaine and Wimpie from Top Billing for being so cool.