Saturday, March 15, 2025

October 8, 2009


My search for the best people, brands and places continues; as I simply cannot hold back from telling you about the dentist du jour!

I hadn’t been to the dentist for a while and, with mother’s recent visit to Cape Town, it was impossible to avoid. She told me about this guy, and went on to say that it was the same place that Ian Crooks uses. “Well! If it’s good enough for Ian…,” I enthused.

The prospect of driving through to Milnerton tweaked me a bit and, having done so twice now, I must just tell you that it’s easier to get to Milnerton than Claremont – FACT. You’re on the N1 from the Waterfront, bang a left and drive through Paarden Eiland (one straight road) and you’re in Milnerton. Honestly, it’s 10 minutes “door-to-door” (one of my earlier sayings I made up. Think I was 7 at the time).

And that, my sweet, beautiful children, is where I found this:

The Sopranos on DVD at the dentist

Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you – that IS The Sopranos playing on DVD on the CEILING of the dentist’s rooms. Dr. Cohen is his name and visual satisfaction is his game!

I went the week before I got that cheeky little filling, to let him see what’s what in mine mouth. It was then that I spotted the device on the ceiling.

“What is that, Doc?” I enquired.

“Why, that’s a flat screen television,” he replied.

“Oh reeeeally…”

“Yup, really.”

“Is it linked to a DVD player?”

“Very much so – we use it for the kids – they watch cartoons to take their minds off the dental activity.”

“Fuck the kids!” I exclaimed.

“I beg your pardon?” he asked.

“LUCKY kids,” I said.

So the next time I came to get that filling, I took along one of my Sopranos DVD’s (remember we chatted about this – from DVD Nouveau) and popped one in. I should, at this juncture, mention that the Sopranos DVD has given trouble on one or two machines in the past (to do with region codes) but I’m ecstatic to mention that Dr. Cohen’s DVD player had absolutely no problem, with it. He probably saw the article I wrote a while back on how to make your DVD player region free.

We used the remote to choose The Sopranos episode I wanted and off we went. One hour in the chair = one episode of Sopranos. Please, man, it’s silly! Now, whilst the sound from the screen is perfectly clear, one needs to take into account a bit of drilling noise. That’s why we popped on subtitles, my boet!

I can honestly tell you it was the most incredible dentist visit of my life. I couldn’t POSSIBLY imagine not watching DVD’s whilst at the dentist and I HIGHLY recommend that you give it a bash. And, what’s more, Dr. Cohen is pretty amusing anyway – so you’re scoring everywhere you look.

Dr. Cohen is a VERY popular dentist and he has confirmed that if you mention 2oceansvibe when making a booking, he’ll not only find you an appointment, but he’ll throw in a discount as well.

He gave me his card as well.

It’s too easy! Give him a shout:

Dr. Jonathan Cohen
Family Dental Practitioner

Annex 116
Milnerton Mediclinic (closer than you think)
Racecourse Road

Phone : 021 551 6604
Fax : I beg your pardon?

Go! Do it! Do it! Do it!