The new Gulfstream..
Near-Supersonic Gulfstream 650 Unveiled – The new Gulfstream 650 was unveiled yesterday at their Savannah factory. This one can take you anywhere in the world with its 7,000 nautical miles range at a top speed of Mach 0.925 (704mph,) almost the speed of sound at a 41,000-feet altitude. $65 million is the figure you’re looking for. I REALLY need one of these. [gizmodo]
News24 keeps up the swearing – as we become more and more impressed with the all-new free liberated South African press! This week’s little uncensored pearler comes in the form of the more uncommon phrase, “oh fuckness,” featured in their article about the Cape Town surfers we got caught up in the chaos of the Sumatra earthquakes. [news24]
Australian Surfer Describes Riding Out Samoa Tsunami (VIDEO) – The tsunami that devastated American Samoa has left much tragedy in its wake, but this Australian surfer was extremely lucky that he was out in the water when the giant wave hit. One word – Mondo! [huffpost]
David Cameron vs (the awesome) Boris Johnson – David Cameron is poised to lead UK’s Conservatives to victory over Gordon Brown’s ailing Labour Party. Unless Cameron’s rivalry with London’s mayor gets in the way. [dailybeast]
Just please look at this picture of Lindsay Lohan taken at a Busta Rhymes show in Paris on Friday. Is she joking? Seriously, she should rather just get totally naked and start playing with herself – because that’s the picture I’ve got. My God, can you just imagine the damage David Veary would have done to that in his hey dey? [idlyitw]
Condé Nast closing down FOUR magazines – Condé Nast will close Gourmet magazine, a magazine of almost biblical status in the food world, it was announced on Monday. Gourmet has been published since January 1941. Also being shut down are the Condé Nast magazines Cookie, Modern Bride and Elegant Bride, according to an internal company memo that also was sent to reporters on Monday. [mediadecoder]
The Rhubarb Room launches their Spring clothing collection on Thursday 9 October. Open all day from 9am to 8pm. Pop in after work for champers and canapés! DJ Vinyl Richie & Lee the greatest trumpeter will be playing from 5-to 7 pm. Spend more than R500 with us and get 10% off your purchases. [rhubarbroom]
Big-wave charger Chris Bertish launches sponsorship initiatives and website – Internationally renowned big-wave charger Chris Bertish has launched an innovative range of sponsorship initiatives, including a comprehensive website, to assist in raising the funds required to participate in the three prestigious big wave events in the USA to which he has been invited. So awesome! Check it out. [thebombsurf]
The Spring Art Tour Cape and Joburg consists of specially curated gallery exhibitions, design shows and restaurant menus. Artlogic has created a new event to drive the Art Fair’s audience into the country’s top galleries, design shops and restaurants. The Cape Town leg finished on the 4th, with Johannesburg kicking off on the 8th [springarttour]
MTV’s 2009 Video Music Awards managed once again to raise eyebrows and get people talking. What most people however missed is the occult meanings encoded into the VMAs. The TV event was in fact a large scale occult ceremony, complete with an initiation, a prayer and even a blood sacrifice. We’ll look at the symbolism that went on during the show. Check this out – very spicy. [vigilantcitizen]
Interview with Wikus Van De Merwe from District 9 – The world’s only and original Swietie-man. The character Wikus Van De Merwe from District 9. You gotta love him. Actor and director Sharlto Copley now has a very fokken busy Hollywood schedule, but he made some special time for us, his South African fans over here at to answer a couple of burning questions. []
Now The Beatles really will NEVER die! Pop on through to Beatles Tube and you will find a website which has painstakingly catalogued EVERY SINGLE Beatles song found on YouTube and showcased the lot of it in one place. You can now browse through every single Beatles song ever made, listen to the song and read reams of facts about that particular song. Radical! [beatlestube]
Yesterday, in history. Britain’s National Cyclist Union had, earlier in the 1890s, banned cyclists from racing on the road because of a mishap between a woman, her horse and a group of cyclists. For safety’s sake, the union wanted all future bicycle races to be held on the track. [wired]
2oceansvibe’s favourite breakfast spot, Miss K, has been nominated as one of Cape Town’s best breakfast spots on the Eat Out website.. For those of you who know is – best you do the right thing and vote. For those of you who don’t know it, put your energy in the right place and support the 2oceansvibe community anyway! [eatout]
Victoria Silvstedt was spotted this last week in St. Tropez on the beach. She was tanning. She was just lying there and then she spotted the paparazzi. So she started touching herself. For them. To tease them. Victoria Silvstedt then pleasured herself (over her bikini bottoms) for a bit and that was that. I told you bru, lying in the sun makes them nuts. Nuts, I tell you! Check this pic and click next to see more [idlyitw]
[thanks amber, ant, shaun, dad, michaela, ryan]