Sunday, March 16, 2025


You’ll recall with tears in your eyes the 2nd Neighbourhood Rock/Paper/Scissors Grand National which took place a couple months ago at Neighbourhood bar on Long Street. Ja, well it looks like the organisers have finally surfaced from the tequila haze and have produced a highlights video from the event.

They’re taking it national (properly) soon and want to get a South African champ to send to the World Series next year. No, I’m not joking. You don’t know about the RPS World Series? Seriously – they often show it on ESPN.


Back to the video. I just first want to say that I am completely and utterly blown away by the amount of hot angels in this video. WTF? So many! All hot! Some of them even flash their chest at the camera – it’s seriously wild. I strongly advise you go next time!

Check it out:




Best night of your life – FACT!

Don’t be shy to read up on the sport on their Wikipedia page (here), including history, variations, strategy and more!


[thanks toby]