Friday, March 14, 2025

September 23, 2009


I know it’s incredibly late and for a man of my stature incredibly emboerrissing to say this, but I’ve only just started getting into The Sopranos. I left it too long, I know – especially for a series which has been hailed as one of the greatest series the world has ever seen.




As with most series, it is available at DVD Nouveau, which is where I got it last weekend. I appreciated the likes of G and Sam (behind the counter) not laughing as I uttered the words, “The Sopranos *ahem* season 1 *cough* disc 1, please.”

And so began my journey. And what a lovely journey it has been! So much so that I was in Claremont the other night, staying over at a friend; and I popped in to the Claremont DVD Nouveau store (I don’t know the address but it’s next to that circle where Wijnhuis and Melissa’s is) to keep The Sopranos flowing.

What was I greeted with?

Lo and behold:


Shop 005
Hello hello, what do we have here?

Oh, I do say!


“What the fuck is this?” I asked the guy behind the counter.

“Aah, yes,” he says, “we have a full time coffee barista from Monday to Friday’s.”

“Oh REALLY!!!? And why don’t you have this in town at your Bree Street branch?” I yelped. “Why do the okes in the burbs get this shit and we don’t? There’s that whole courtyard in town that could be turned into a bar if you wanted!”

“Jesus, don’t ask me, bru – ask the owners!” said our boy.

Pfft. Cool. So that’s what I’m doing right now – Dear Owners, when are WE getting a coffee vibe in our Bree street branch?


I suppose one thing they are giving us in town is CAPE ROCKS II, on Saturday 26 September, at The Assembly. That’s pretty gnarly.


Cape Rocks 2


But other than that I’m feeling ever so slightly deprived..

Check out the DVD Nouveau blog and, oh, while I have you, do yourself a FAVOUR and hire out the series “It’s always sunny in Philadelphia” – you’ll piss yourself – trust me.

ps. WIN TICKETS TO CAPE ROCKS II from my buddy Luca HERE