In a move that is bound to shake the sports apparel world to the core, it seems that Cuban revolutionary leader, Fidel Castro has made the jump from Team Adidas, over to Team Puma.
Recent footage displayed on the BBC’s website, show the first pics seen of Castro in the last 14 months. This, taken on Saturday:
Fidel Castro on the weekend
Rolling with Puma
The angle of the BBC’s story was not his change of sporting affiliation (amazing that they didn’t pick it up), but rather the fact that he looks in good health – in contrast to prior speculation that his health had deteriorated significantly at the end of last year.
Is his recovery linked in someway to his switch in brand loyalty? Who knows. All I can say is that he certainly WAS known for being an Adidas man. He was famous for it! So much so that he even won a Worst Dressed Award from Time magazine for his efforts (here).
Something has gone down here.
This is a big deal, people.
*Neither Puma, nor Adidas representatives could be reached for comment.