Ok, and here it is, episode five of the six-part series detailing Zinzi’s week in Hollywood being adopted by actor/comedian Pauly Shore. This one features the paparazzi guy which took that picture of Pauly shore and me which was published on Perez Hilton‘s website (here).
Check out all the previous episodes here and then go right ahead and enjoy this one:
*WAIT for video to load under this sentence – when it appears, slow connections might want to pause and let the video load up fully before playing:
CLICK HERE for 2oceansvibe TV, including ALL past videos
*If it takes too long for the video window to appear, just click the title of the article to load up JUST this article, rather than the whole site.
**If you’re getting just a BLACK BOX, then WAIT right here until it loads up. Things take time, here in the land of slow internet connections..
Catch you on Thursday this week for the final episode..