It’s interesting to note that Dirty Skirts lead guitarist, David Moffatt, sent this in. Michael Jackson is obviously one of his major influences – I had no idea. I’ve been given their latest album another listen, trying to pic up some MJ flavour…. but I can’t find it. But Dave does dance sexy – so maybe it’s that..
Anyway, he did INCREDIBLY well by sending this in. It’s a website which strings together random video clips that people send in of themselves moonwalking across the screen – all linking together to form an ETERNAL MOONWALK! It starts with Michael Jackson doing his moonwalk and when he reaches the end of the screen, the next one (sent in by the general public) starts.
You need to see it to understand/believe it. It even measures the amount of METRES covered!
Naturally, we HAD to make our own eternal moonwalk and send it in to that website! So that’s exactly what we did next to the pool at the Cape Royale Sky Bar!
And then I made a seperate version JUST for you.
So here it is – enjoy The Dude, me and G-Man (in that order!) doing the “eternal moonwalk” next to the pool at the Sky Bar on the top of The Cape Royale , overlooking the Green Point Stadium, Table Mountain, the harbour and pretty much everything else!
Look, we had just klapped a bottle of De Grendel red..
Click here to see it as a part of the Eternal Moonwalk website.
Go check out the website and send in your own at
Your life has just improved by 20 points.
[thanks dave, thanks rich]
ps. don’t forget all original 2oceansvibe vids can be seen at 2oceansvibe TV – slightly different web address –