Sunday, March 16, 2025

July 14, 2009


I thought I wrote about it before, but I can’t find the article. So anyway I’m sure I told you before about these two US journalists who were arrested in North Korea and have been sentenced to….wait for it… 12 years in a labour camp! Jeepers – how hectique is that?!

You know why? Oh, they were accused of entering the country illegally and committing “hostile acts.”

That’ll do it.

So Hillary is sending out messages to North Korea, appealing for amnesty. And while she’s doing this, she is hoping to God that Kim Jong Il is not connecting this incident to his nuclear weapons agenda.


11clinton 600
Good luck with that, Hillary.


So it’s a delicate vibe Hillary is throwing and the New York Times agrees that the arrested journalists needs to be kept seperate from that of Kim Jong Il‘s nuclear aspirations and The U.S.’s increasing dissent thereof.


Her comments on Friday appear to reflect a changing picture that has been complicated by the North’s test of a nuclear missile in May and its decision to fire seven ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan on the Fourth of July.

Mrs. Clinton’s comments during a town-hall-style meeting at the State Department came in response to an employee who did not identify herself, creating the appearance that the question was planted in an attempt to send a message to North Korea.

Experts said that Mrs. Clinton appeared to be trying to keep the issue of the journalists separate from the conflict over the North’s nuclear ambitions.

“It’s clear to me they don’t want this tail to wag the nuclear dog,” said Michael Green, a top Asia expert for former President George W. Bush. “They are trying to keep it in a separate lane.”

But Mr. Green said the North was unlikely to release the women without getting something in return. Although North Korea does not expect the Obama administration to abandon its effort to impose sanctions on the North for its recent nuclear test, he said, it is likely to want a “high-profile visit” by an administration official to demonstrate that “it’s possible to return to business as usual.”


Well they should go straight to Kim Jon Il‘s online mouthpiece, The Central Koren News Agency (go there – it’s amazing) and they will realise that he sees the arrest of the journo’s and his nuclear shinanigans in EXACTLY the same “lane”!

The quicklinks on the front page say it all.


Kim Jon Il
1 X Amazing


This, a recent news report I found under their “Trial of American journalists” quicklink on their front page (you need to spend some time cruising around that website – trust me) which says it all.


KCNA Detailed Report on Truth about Crimes Committed by American Journalists

Pyongyang, June 16 (KCNA) — The Korean Central News Agency on Tuesday released a detailed report laying bare the facts about the crimes committed by the American journalists who were arrested for having illegally trespassed into the border of the DPRK and committed hostile acts against it for which they were tried.

According to it, at dawn of March 17 unidentified two men and two women covertly crossed the River Tuman to intrude into its bank of the DPRK side in Kangan-ri, Onsong County, North Hamgyong Province. The two women were arrested on the spot.

The arrestees were confirmed to be Chinese-American Laura Ling, 32, correspondent of the Current TV, and south Korean-American Seung-Un Lee, 36, editor of the Current TV.

The investigation proved that the intruders crossed the border and committed the crime for the purpose of making animation files to be used for an anti-DPRK smear campaign over its human rights issue.

The preliminary investigation proved that they had a confab on producing and broadcasting a documentary slandering the DPRK with Mitch Koss, executive producer of programming of the Current TV, David Neuman, president of programming, and David Harleston, head of the Legal Department of Current TV, and other men in Los Angeles, U.S. in January.

A trial of the accused was held at the Pyongyang City Court from June 4 to 8.

At the trial the accused admitted that what they did were criminal acts committed, prompted by the political motive to isolate and stifle the socialist system of the DPRK by faking up moving images aimed at falsifying its human rights performance and hurling slanders and calumnies at it. [I enjoyed “faking up”]

In the name of the DPRK the Central Court determined ten years of hard labor according to Provision 69 of the Criminal Code and four years of hard labor according to Provision 233 of the Criminal Code for the accused Laura Ling and Seung-Un Lee and sentenced them to 12 years of hard labor according to Provision 44 of the Criminal Code.

The prison term is counted from March 22, 2009, when the accused were detained and it was pronounced that the judgment is unappealable.

The criminals admitted and accepted the judgment.

We are following with a high degree of vigilance the attitude of the U.S. which spawned the criminal act against the DPRK.


Did you enjoy the last paragraph!!???

That line is DIRECTLY from Kim Jong Il himself. I swear he talks to the West through The Central Korean News Agency. That’s like Twitter, for him.

He’s saying that this little incident (if there ever really was one) was a direct criminal act by the USA against North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea).

And by “attitude of the US,” he is referring to the anger they (The US) are expressing as he tests his warheads and plays nuclear-nuclear.

Why do you think the only other Quicklink on their front page (alongside the quicklink going to “Trial of American Journalists“) is “Nuclear Test?”

It’s one of three things. He’s either going to keep the journalists while he completes his nuclear testing. Or he is going to force someone senior from The US to go to North Korea and kiss his ass (he’ll spin this one to seem as though Obama himself came to beg for nuclear mercy). Or he’ll strap the journalists to the end of a nuclear warhead and fire it over to them – thus creating the ripple effect which will, ultimately, lead to the end of the world as we know it.

Click here to read past 2OV articles about the amazingness that is Kim Jon Il.