It’s not often that I present a prize to someone who has brought their OWN green screen to the event! For those of you who don’t know what a green screen is – it is placed in the background of a picture/video and allows you to replace everything green with whatever you want, AFTER taking the picture/filming the scene. It’s what they use on the news for the weather report. Although we don’t use one when we do the 2oceansvibe Weather Girls – that’s not how we roll – we’re all heart.
Ja, so anyway, Alex van Tonder, winner of this week’s PlayEuroMillions 3G iPhone competition, brought her own green screen to Wembley Square this week, where I presented her with the awesome prize.
So, here were SOME of the end results!
At the track
At the aquarium
There were quite a few more, including one PARTICULARLY naughty one. So to check them out, as well as her iPhone article, clickity-click here. You should have a poke around her site anyway – it’s very cool. In future just go straight to
But please, make sure you check out what she did with that green screen – here.
I think I know a very naughty little girl..