This is how I’m rolling at the moment. I have just returned from a weekend away in Kommetjie where The Muse and I looked after The Surfer‘s pad. I offloaded the car into The Safe House and took in the sight of my new Puma bag, shoes and jacket. I liked what I saw and wanted to show you how I’m rolling at the moment.
As I do.
This is how I’m rolling at the moment
Deal with it
Please enjoy the shoes which I have fallen absolutely in love with, as well as the jacket with old-school wooden buttons that I also got from Puma. Pretty sick hey? You’ve been missing those buttons, haven’t you? And there we were thinking Puma only did tight lumo stuff! Hah! We were very wrong, my friends.
Puma’s brand and rich history (awesome story about how it started if you don’t know it) has always intrigued me and I have embraced it in the very true sense of the word. Now it’s not in my nature to show-off TOO much, but I couldn’t help but show you these stunning pics below.
The result of a ballistic whirlwind 2 hour shopping experience I had at the Cape Town’s V&A Waterfront Puma on Friday.
The Puma Lifestyle store
On Cape Town V&A Waterfront’s “Death row”
The Puma lifestyle experience
Mother would be proud
The logo is so cool I almost didn’t want to unpack the bags. Nor did I want to throw them away. The red and the white logo… with the leaping Puma – come on, man – it’s just too much! I want it inside me.
I wouldn’t want to take up all your time showing you one product at a time, like the pair of green Puma Clyde Kozydan’s (plutz!) that I finally got my hands on, after reading about the shape and history on CoolHunting‘s website (made famous in the 70s by the endorsement of New York Knicks’ Walt Frazier, btw). As well as hearing (on HypeBeast‘s website) about the Los Angeles based painters and illustrators Kozyndan who designed them .
So instead I’ll just give you a broad overview of my radical haul of Puma Lifestyle clothing.
Very naughty.
Don’t be shy of the Rudolf Dassler jacket
Second from the right at the top
I must say, I had NO idea that Puma were connected to Evisu jeans? did you know that? And Ducati! How rad is that!? I mean, I knew they were connected to Ferrari , but had no idea about Ducati! And, let’s face it, Ducati is SO hot right now!
Actually, while we’re at it, let’s just get a quick close-up of my Evisu jeans and red distressed leather Ducati belt.
You know you want one!
I think I’ll stop there before I get TOTALLY carried away. I just wanted you to be AWARE of what was going on at Puma.
Crazy stuff.
I held back from the leather jackets they have there that will come in VERY handy during winter. I’m just waiting for the right time.. They’re so goddamn awesome – you know the ones I’m referring to? Those fitted leather jackets that the coolest kids in the world are wearing at the moment? Not too many zips… you know the ones..
God, I’ve wanted one for AGES!
It will be mine.
Oh yes, it will be mine..
[thanks alex]